Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jessie Tree

So we started our Jessie Tree last night. The name comes from the messianic prophecy about the messiah coming from the root of Jessie and that though it was cut down new growth will sprout. Each day from December 1 until Christmas day a decoration is added to the tree and a passage from the Bible is read. It starts with the creation of the world and moves up to Jesus birth with each story telling a bit more about the story of redemption or "God's rescue plan" as we have been calling it.
We stared this last year and the kids were excited about it this year. The strength of it is in the annual repetition as the scriptures and the larger narrative are taken in. Hopefully we will be doing this for many years and it will develop and grow over time just like our advent wreath.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Something About this Time of Year

Amazing. Somehow I decide that I need to blog at this time every year. My last two posts are November 25 2007 and 2008. Somehow I missed last year. Today is the 26th of November and just happened to think about this blog. First time in two years. I guess it has to do with Thanksgiving and the approach of Christmas. Missing family I suppose. back in a year, or two.